Thursday, March 19, 2015

Chapter 8 Review

This chapter I've learned about how to differentiate convex and concave polygons. I've learned about how to classify them within equilateral, equiangular, and by regular meaning it is both equilateral and equiangular.
I've also learned how to measure the exterior and interior angles.
     m<1 + m<2. . . + m<n = (n-2) * 180  
In this chapter I learned how to find the area of squares and rectangles.
     square - A=S(squared)
     rectangle A=(base)(height)
This chapter was all about finding the area of triangles, not that hard - it's the same formula just multiply it by 1/2.
In this chapter we explored more about finding areas... Only now it's the area of parallelograms.
Again we learn about areas, this time it is area of trapezoids. 
     A= 1/2(height)(base 1 + base 2)
This chapter we slightly changed (still finding areas) we learn about the circumference and area of a circle. 
     A= (Pi)(Radius - Squared)
     C=(Pi)(Diameter) or C=(Pi)(Radius - squared)